Today I partnered with Chef Nick Galvin to create there pizza of the day which features salami, shaved jalepenos, jalepeno infused honey and mozzarella!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Back To The Basics
So I currently am working part time on the line and doing prep work. The rest of the week I am working front of the house at a pizza joint (both restaurants are owned by the same people).
One of the things I have been working on is learning some basics and one of those basics is learning how to cook the proper omelette.
I Got home from work and had some dinner and a couple hours later I realized I was still hungry so I grabbed a pan, 2 eggs, some butter and made sure I had some salt & pepper.
Oh yeah did I tell ya my wife decided she wanted one as well.
In food simplicity has to be on point.Something as simple as an omelette can be easily screwed up: to much salt, not enough salt, overcooked and even undercooked.
Are you like me and you never went to culinary school do not use that as an excuse. Work on the basics at work and at hime.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
What Is American Food....
I am sitting here having breakfast this morning and looking at what is in my have my work that has a heavy Mediterranean influence, there are several Mexican restaurants and Indian restaurant. Do not forget the restaurant that is called and "American bistro" that has a huge freaking menu (I really hate huge menus).
There are things that are very much American staples; Chicago style hot dog, a proper lobster roll, shrimp & grits, brisket from Texas (I want to visit Franklins). But I grew up in California where it is a very different world.
I think California is an interesting place when you are looking at food culture because throughout history it has seen some of the heaviest migration of so many different cultures. A perfect example is Fresno,Ca has the biggest Hmong community on the entire west coast (some say in the country).
Think about it where did Kogi start....California!
So as I wrap up this post think about where you live: the communities, the culture and the food. Trust me if you look beyond the bright lights of Red Lobster,Olive Garden and Pzza will not be dissapointed!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday at Tazzaria

I tossed the pig tails in cornstarch and dropped them in the fryer basket. I let them cook for a few minutes and they got just a little crisp on them. I tossed them in sweet chili sauce. Before heading to work I was trying to find some pickeled daicon to finish the tails off.
So I grabbed a bowl and LJ and I took them down stairs to my boss. We talked about what I should do differently but he had never had pigs tail. The awesome thing is that he liked them!! The truth is everyone who ate any of them liked how they came out.
This was an awesome feeling to do something cool and different and people liked it. I look forward to doing it again!
So it is almost 4 pm which means it is time to officially clock on and I already had my prep list for the night and on todays list....Gnocchi.
This is something I have only done one other times with the owner showing me how to do it. So today I made a batch x4 to make sure we have enough to get through the weekend. So I get on all my "mise en place" (look I used a fancy word).

Get the dough made and rolled out and Ryan takes enough for an order and then comes back into the kitchen with a bowl of gnocchi in a sage cream sauce and "here is your finished product". I will be honest......It was good, not dense and a nice texture.
Ryan even had LJ taste it....Even he said I did a good job. It even got back to James that I did a really good job on the gnocchi.
I think the rest of this work week I need to pay attention to Mike & Ryans line so I can start breaking it down for them and learn where it all belongs......It was a good day at work.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Whole Hog Butchery
I knew that we had a slaughter and breakdown coming soon and today I was really excited to find out that we were doing a pig slaughter today.
I was hoping to to hang up my GoPro and shoot the whole process from beginning to end but the teacher said "No". So out of respect for my teacher I pulled it down. I do hope to video as we start breaking down the primal cuts over the next two weeks.
So before the teacher stunned the 350 lb pig all I could think was the Lords Prayer making sure I gave a sense of gratitude for what was about to happen. With a whole class of students the process started at 10:02 pm and ended at 11:32 am.
Our instructor started and showed us how to pull the skin off and so I finally get my hand dirty and start helping pull the skin off by cutting against the skin and the fat. As I am watching the process and we are half way through pulling the skin off I look at the teacher and say "I want the head" and that is what I got.
I was talking to the instructor and I made the comment that there is something surreal about this whole process. Watching an animal go from death to what becomes a usable product for consumption.
We as consumers do not think about where are food comes from and how we get it. Today I have a better understanding of where it comes from.
This weekend I am going to be making a batch of my Irish sausage and my goal is to make sure I do not waste a single ounce of meat. Did this change my life....I am not sure. Did it change my point of view on a few thing....DEFINITELY!!!!
Recommended reading: The Ethical Butcher by Berlin Reed
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Kitchen To The Shop And Back To The Kitchen
So I have been working as a full time barber since November of 2011. Over the last year I have had a rough time providing for my family doing what I love.
About a month ago I was offered a job working in two local restaurants (owned by the same family).
I took this job knowing I would have to cut my time in the barbershop way back but I would also be seeing a steady weekly paycheck.
What started as a job at there pizza joint working as a front of house shift lead has turned into me working as a prep cook in the kitchen of there restaurant.
Before becoming a barber I worked as a line cook at Mizuna in Spokane,wa. But the truth is that it has been a few years. Close to 8 years to be exact.
I do not feel like I am starting from scratch but I am definitely able to say man I am out of practice!
I am not sure what's to come but I am enjoying my time in the kitchen. I am working with and for some good people and I am grateful.
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Big Tip....Death To Kind Gestures
So I am sitting here in the hospital with the wife and I put the tv on Food Network.
First commercial they show features Food Network demigod Rachel Ray and her new show called "The Big Tip".
The show has Rachel traveling the country and leaving giant tips (10 large) for deserving servers.
I think that this show is a crappy idea. I think it pisses on all the good news reports we heard over the last year of random people who left killer tips for hard working servers out of the kindness of there hearts.
Rachel Ray giving money should help Food Network ratings..
Thursday, May 1, 2014
EAT INK- Recipes, Stories, Tattoos
I have been meaning to get around and writing a review about"Eat Ink" but the job has been keeping me busy. So here we go!!
I am a cookbook nerd and collector of tattoos so this book was going to be an obvious purchase. Having a history in the kitchen where all my friends who are cook, dishwashers and back of house staff all being tattooed this book was a no brainer.....This book was a great idea.
"Eat Ink" is broken up into 5 chapters...Hoofed, finned, winged, rooted and sugar. So you guessed it each chapter is going to feature a chef that is a top in his field.
"EAT INK" features chefs from all over the country and from different backgrounds. There book features former Top Chef contestants, Contestants from Hell's Kitchen, James Beard Foundation nominees and more.
There is a common thread between many of the chefs in this book and that is they did not start in the kitchen. There are plenty of them (chefs) that knew this (career as a chef) was what they wanted.
The more I read the book the more I actually like it.My first glance through it had chefs with one or two tattoos and I was like "Really, this is what your going to cover in a tattoo cookbook?"
As I read the recipes the great thing is that most of them are really approachable. That is important because so many cookbooks come out and are not easy for the daily at home cook.
I will be honest I was hoping to see more guys like rhe Voltaggios, Aaron Sanchez, Jamie Bissonnette and a few other bigger named and heavily tattoo chefs.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Starting To Get It

batch of pork belly/bacon. I am going to be honest trying to find quality products to make a good bacon is not easy. Here in the Central Valley there are very few places to purchase pork belly.
I have one meat market that only sells is cryopacked and frozen. I have found another that does not sell it unless you are buying bulk. I have found a mexican market that I am able to buy belly but the only problem is you do not know how good the quality of the meat is going to be.
The first time I purchased 4 pounds of it and the quality was not bad. This last purchase where I purchased 8 pounds the quality was not as good as I would of liked. A lot more fat and a lot less meat which gives you a mediocre bacon.

When I was younger in Madera,Ca there was a place called the Meat Locker which was where my dad had our pigs butchered after there were slaughtered. It was a meat market and butcher shop and when I was in high school it was where we would go to get all or our deep fried goodness for lunch (deep fried burritos and potato wedges rule)!
You really do not realize the importance of quality over quantitiy until the time comes for you are trying to learn and make your own food. Meat that is raised well is better then meat that is "industrially" raised.
As I learn more about bacon and get ready to start learning how to even make my own sausage my goal is to used some of the best products I can. I want to give my family good food and if I plan to make food available to the public I want to know that I am giving the public a quality food that I can be proud of!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Super Bowl Sunday At Peeves In Fresno,CA
This is the first time we had been to Peeves and they really have not been open very long. Peeves Public house & Local Market is new to downtown Fresno but is making there home in a spot on the Fulton Mall with a lot of history.
So lets start with the beer. Peeves has a great selection of beer in cans, bottles and on tap.They have local staples from the fine folks at Tioga-Sequoia Brewing Company which is only a few blocks away from Peeves. I had the barley wine from 21st Amendment and a Smoked Scotch Ale which was bloody awesome. When I asked about the taps they were telling me that they swap them out regularly.
The menu on this day consisted of one item because they had partnered with a local church who provided a bunch of appetizers so on the menu they were doing a pulled pork sandwich. Normally the have several items on the menu that rotate based on what local farmers, vendors/distributors bring them. They do a full breakfast on the weekends (which I look forward to paying a visit for).
Now for the one thing I was looking forward to checking out....there market in the space next door. All kinds of cool stuff from locals. Canned/pickled foods, milk from Rosa's Dairy, a few meats from a couple of local farms. The truth is it has got me thinking about working on some bacon recipes/
In the end this is a business that I am hoping to see be successful in Fresno,Ca. And more importantly I hope that this trend of farm to table and local purveyors does not go away anytime soon!!