Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pizanos Pizza Of The Day

Today I partnered with Chef Nick Galvin to create there pizza of the day which features salami, shaved jalepenos, jalepeno infused honey and mozzarella!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Back To The Basics

So I currently am working part time on the line and doing prep work. The rest of the week I am working front of the house at a pizza joint (both restaurants are owned by the same people).

One of the things I have been working on is learning some basics and one of those basics is learning how to cook the proper omelette.

I Got home from work and had some dinner and a couple hours later I realized I was still hungry so I grabbed a pan, 2 eggs, some butter and made sure I had some salt & pepper.

Oh yeah did I tell ya my wife decided  she wanted one as well.

In food simplicity has to be on point.Something as simple as an omelette can be easily screwed up: to much salt, not enough salt, overcooked and even undercooked.

Are you like me and you never went to culinary school do not use that as an excuse. Work on the basics at work and at hime.